Friday, December 7, 2012

FCF ABC 2012 photos

Hi brothers & sisters in Christ,

Photos from ABC 2012 are available for viewing and download! Please click on this link and you'll be transported to my Flickr account.

How to download photos from Flickr: They can be downloaded in the original resolution. Simply click on an image to view it and on the top left of the image, click on the 'Actions' button. Select 'View all sizes' in the drop-down list and download the size preferred. Enjoy!


Posted by lois at 7:35 AM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Embrace The Cross

Embrace the cross
Where Jesus suffered
Though it will cost
All you claim as yours
Your sacrifice will seem small
Beside the treasure
Eternity can't measure
What Jesus holds in store
Embrace the love
The cross requires
Cling to the one
Whose heart knew every pain
Receive from Jesus
Fountains of compassion
Only He can fashion
Your heart to move as His
Oh, wondrous cross our desires rest in you
Lord Jesus make us bolder
To face with courage the shame and disgrace
You bore upon Your shoulder
Embrace the life
That comes from dying
Come trace the steps
The Savior walked for you
An empty tomb Concludes Golgotha's sorrow
Endure then till tomorrow
Your cross of suffering
Embrace the cross
Embrace the cross
The cross of Jesus

Posted by lois at 9:38 AM